Introducing "Everything Under the Sun Book: A Curious Question for Every Day of the Year" - a captivating collection of answers to 366 thought-provoking questions from inquisitive young minds. This extraordinary book, born from Molly Oldfield's popular podcast, features a blend of intriguing queries, from the scientific to the historical, accompanied by expert responses that will captivate and educate young readers. From the unique illustrations provided by a dozen talented artists, to the engaging content, this book will inspire children to embrace their curiosity and expand their knowledge every day. It's the perfect addition to any child's library, offering a daily dose of wonder and wisdom. Explore the questions of the world with "Everything Under the Sun Book: A Curious Question for Every Day of the Year"!
Everything Under the Sun Book: A Curious Question for Every Day of the Year
Hardcover book.
256 Pages.
Ages 4 to 7.